Episode 80L: CEO VS. HOBBYIST: 10 Differences You Need To Check For
February 10, 2020
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As I say often, entrepreneurship is personal growth with a paycheck. If you’re struggling in your business right now because you’re not hitting a certain income goal you’ll want to honestly assess some areas to see if you’re acting like a legit business owner or someone with an expensive hobby.
In today’s episode I’m outlining 10 differences between CEO’s and Hobbyists and what you need to be on the look out for as your business grows.
You’ll want to check in with these and adjust, ESPECIALLY when you are expecting your business to pay you like one and you’re upset because it isn’t.
Reminder, CEO’s (not hobbyists):
1. Know their numbers. 2. Dictate and know their schedule. 3. Create systems and rhythms that serve them and their ideal life (proactive, not reactive). 4. Prioritize community and checking in to get and give support. 5. Focus on solutions instead of problems. 6. Don’t let distractions and drama get in the way of their dreams and destiny. 7. Build the habit and skillset of laser focus. 8. Don’t attach their worth to outcomes. 9. Honor and celebrate every win, lesson, and progress. 10. Have a growth mindset instead of a fixed one.
Be sure to take notes on today’s episode because we’ll be deep-diving into each of these.
What areas are you saying you want your business to pay you like a confident and powerful CEO woman runs it-or a hobbyist that feels entitled to more than she’s willing to transform?
If you enjoyed the episode, please be sure to take a screenshot and share it out on Instagram and tag me – @Lindseynadler and I’ll be sure to share your comments and big takeaways on my Instagram Stories as well. Also, please make sure to give us a review on iTunes (or Google Play, Stitcher, And Spotify).
Passion is Everything,
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Hey, I’m Lindsey Nadler! I’m your no b.s. business coach, whose obsessed with showing you how to build your dream business doing what you love.
I help women own their CEO power, and powerfully position their expertise and offers on social media. I can’t wait to work with you!